A Web3 App that lets users connect their Ethereum wallet and mint an NFT to their wallet. The NFT is a random three word statement using the last name of famous architects.

  • Utilized ethers.providers.Web3Provider to interface with the Ethereum blockchain via MetaMask.
  • Employed provider.getSigner() to sign transactions with the connected wallet.
  • Created an instance of the NFT smart contract using new ethers.Contract(CONTRACT_ADDRESS, ABI, signer) for sending transactions and reading data.
  • Used the makeAnEpicNFT method from the contract to initiate NFT minting and handled the transaction using await nftTxn.wait().
  • Provided transaction status and feedback by logging and displaying relevant Ethereum transaction hashes and links to Rinkeby Etherscan.
  • Deployed the app to Vercel from a GitHub repo.


  • Ethers - JavaScript library for Ethereum
  • JavaScript - programming language
  • React.js - user interface library
  • Vercel - platform for deploying and hosting