

A Web3 App that lets users connect their Ethereum wallet and mint an NFT to their wallet. The NFT is a random three word statement using the last name of famous architects.

  • Utilized Hardhat to quickly compile smart contracts and test them locally.
  • Implemented the NFT standard using OpenZeppelin.
  • Wrote smart contracts using Solidity.
  • Used MetaMask to connect wallet to the Ethereum network.
  • Deployed the app to Vercel from a GitHub repo.
  • Project was a developed as part of a buildspace project.


  • React.js - user interface library
  • Vercel - platform for deploying and hosting
  • Hardhat - deploy to the Ethereum Rinkeby testnet
  • JavaScript - programming language
  • OpenZeppelin - implement the NFT standard
  • Next.js - React framework for production
  • Solidity - implement smart contracts
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