An app that renders 3d models of modular homes based on various configurations of 8 foot X 40 foot modules.

  • Utilized React Three Fiber to implement Three.js in a React project.
  • Created a canvas object to set the environment to hold the 3d models, camera, and lighting.
  • Built reusable, self-contained components for the home modules to create each home design.
  • Animated text and images with Framer Motion and numbers using react-spring.
  • Implemented unit test for components using React Testing Library.
  • Deployed the app to Vercel from a GitHub repo.


  • Framer Motion - React motion libary
  • Material UI - React component library
  • Next.js - React framework for production
  • React Three Fiber - React renderer for three.js
  • React.js - user interface library
  • TypeScript - strongly typed programming language
  • Vercel - platform for deploying and hosting