An app for real estate agents to create beautiful landing pages for their open houses where the data lives in the URL.

  • Users input information about an open house into a form and the web app creates a custom URL to share.
  • Key user data is saved in localStorage, so it persists on reload making a better UX as they create multiple open house landing pages.
  • Cheerio is used to scrape real estate agent and listing data to auto fill portions of the form to reduce user input time
  • A data object storing the open house state is converted to a base 64 string that the app uses as a query parameter, eliminating the need to save data to a database.
  • Since the base 64 string is so long, an API service is provided to stores a short, unique id that can be used in a shorter, shareable URL.
  • Using an Add to Calendar Button library, users can add open house times that prospects can click on to easily add the open house to their calendar.
  • Utilized Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework, to efficiently style the UI of the app.
  • Deployed the app to Vercel from a GitHub repo.


  • MongoDB Atlas - Cloud database and data services
  • Nuxt.js - Vue framework
  • Tailwind CSS - CSS framework
  • TypeScript - strongly typed programming language
  • Vercel - platform for deploying and hosting
  • Vue.js - Progressive JavaScript framework