A full-stack SaaS app that helps real estate investors quickly calculate their return on investment for residential income properties.

  • Leveraged Supabase for the backend to manage tables in the database, authentication, and creates API endpoints.
  • Bootstrapped the React codebase using the DivJoy codebase generator to build the foundation of the app.
  • Utilized the Bulma open-source CSS framework.
  • Leveraged Next.js for server-side rendering to reduce page loading times, file-system routing, image optimization, and more.
  • Deployed the app to Vercel from a GitHub repo.


  • Bulma - CSS framework
  • Next.js - React framework for production
  • PostgreSQL - relational database management system
  • React.js - user interface library
  • Stripe.js - Stripe's browser-side JavaScript library
  • Supabase - open source Firebase alternative
  • Vercel - platform for deploying and hosting