
The Heroku database for this project is no longer active.

A full-stack web app rental property calculator that allows users to save, update, and delete property investment reports.

  • Implemented a responsive client using JavaScript and React.js library that passes data to components via context and state.
  • Architected RESTful API endpoints using Node.js/Express routers to perform CRUD operations POST, GET, PATCH, AND DELETE.
  • Engineered a PostgreSQL database to save reports and user data while seamlessly integrating with the Express application.
  • Integrated Google Maps Places API with the client to autocomplete property address inputs.


  • CSS - style sheet language
  • Express.js - back end web application framework for Node.js
  • HTML5 - markup language
  • Heroku - platform for PostgreSQL database hosting
  • JSON Web Tokens - method for representing claims securely between two parties
  • JavaScript - programming language
  • Knex.js - SQL query builder for JavaScript
  • Node.js - back-end JavaScript runtime environment
  • PostgreSQL - relational database management system
  • RESTful APIs - application programming interface that conforms to the constraints of REST
  • React.js - user interface library